Blogger Tricks

April 06, 2009

CQB CITY 04-04-09

Sorry for the belated post once again. Had to restore the comp due to a computer failure (virus). Anyway its back 100% and got a chance to edit the video. For this one I used Vegas Video and Virtualdub together. During recording I used a Dynex monopod as a counter-weight for a makeshift steady cam rig.

The day game was a another success. No real major foul ups or arguments. Everything went by smooth. Got some great footage of "Us Forces" (camo) and the "Insurgent Forces" (non-camo) players.

No POV footage in this video as I tried to focus more on the players than myself. I had more than 2hrs worth of USABLE footage and had to compress that down to 10 minutes.

So I added some bonus footage:

Ill try to make this a per game basis. What I will do is interview a player at the game to display they weapon. This is Oscar not only is he a player at CQB CITY but a customer of mine at the big box retailer. This is a metal RPK-74, has a guarder wood kit and shoots fairly well:

Thats all for now.


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