Blogger Tricks

May 18, 2009

Zombies are amongst us!

Short tour around CQB City

During the latest night ops at CQB City we played a Zombie scenario, the last time we played such scenario it was over in minutes. A fellow ref came up with the rules and we had the green light to try it out.

The President is stuck somewhere in the city. Zombies are within the city. The objective is to extract and carry the president through the city without getting infected.

Pistols/Knives/Spring Shotguns only
1-5 Zombies at start
The infected can carry weapons but are not permitted to use or fire them. Once shot the infected must stand still for 20 seconds. Zombies are permitted to run and bait non-infected personal.
If the person with the president is infected the game is over. When a person is infected they immediately become a Zombie and can infect those near.

Like something out of Resident Evil the Zombie scenario has grown into a worldwide game type played amongst many Airsoftors. As only a fan of the Zombie maps and game types in video games it was hard to fathom this scenario. However, it shocked me as to how intense this game could be. Stupid at first but as all the lights were shut off and those non-infected began to group up and strategize it became a whole new game. Armed only with a (rubber) knife I was already at a disadvantage. My heart pumping I found myself hiding and running away like a little girl when I came under attack from the infected but what I found even more fantastic was being a Zombie. Not being able to use a weapon and once we were shot had to freeze made me begin to think more tactful. Again making disadvantages my advantages. I began to prey on those without a light or those alone or in smaller groups using the dark corners as hiding places. In the end the majority of those who participated found the game type to be exhilarating and my hopes is that we will play it again.

If you have never seen how serious Zombie scenario's can get some airsoft matches get pretty innovative. Take a look at how others play the game:

Here are some pictures from the day. Sorry as with night games they are hard to record and video tape so I used what very little light I had to take some pictures:


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