Whether this is your first post or the latest post you have read at Mil Sim Junkie I will continue to re-iterate this: assess and progress.
What do you mean? Assess the problem or situation at hand and progress to completing the objective.
In short think quick on your feet and think smart. Ive done my share of stupid things in airsoft; for instance taking point on a corner when I clearly saw a teammate get shot (FYI thats a no-no).
For more information on the above video please see: "Stalemate in the Korangal Valley by C.J. Chivers (NY Times)" ALTERNATIVE LINK
In both video's we clearly see how fast these soldiers were able to asses the situation and progress with their objective (in both cases neutralize or suppress the threat). In the first we see that the cameraman (possibly the team leader) tells everyone to spread out avoiding a clusters (see: room clearing observation). The second video shows how experienced LT's (Lieutenants) were able to strategaize quickly and safely maneuver their retreat.
Next time your out on the airsoft field remember to play smart and play hard. Take a quick step back and assess the situation and then progress with achieving your objective. I cannot count the number of times I see players just go out to shoot to kill (figurative) and neglect the objective at hand. Experienced members will tell you that majority of what separates the winners and the losers in the ability to strategize and communicate.
I know it is contrary to how many Military personal operate because they continually train and are trained to react first. However, I can assure you that in Airsoft you WILL have some time to think, asses, and react. With time and experience will a player do this more quickly.
So strategize and communicate when your on on the field but learn to do it quickly and on the fly (see: on the fly). Your ability to think quickly on your feet could mean achieving your objective.
A lot of what I have to say is from Airsoft experience. I have done my share of playing and the majority of my blog posts are from my observations. Not everyone is going to be able to think quick immediately and it only comes with experience. Enjoy yourself and learn from your past skirmishes.
So I have been on a bit of a blogging break. However, I will be back soon with more informative topics and posts. Standby
For those that are regular to the Jeff James Field at CQB City you may have noticed a lack of my presence. Currently I have other obligations I must fulfill but rest assured I will make my return.
We at CQB City are working hard on getting more people to the field and many things are on the drawing board. While much of is exactly on the board is still on a need to know basis but I can say that well known Airsoft magazine has approached us.
Also something to look forward too is the possibility of NEW rentals at the field. For those that have not been to the field or not familiar with CQB City you can rent an AEG (currently out of pistols) to use for the day. So whether its your first time playing or your rifle is down you can be assured a weapon to play with.
Awesome vids dude. We just did a SOTG Raid package and I have some stuff for you that you might like. I'll post it up on my next blog post. Basically it's hard hits on houses and winning hearts and minds kind of thing.
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