With the growing popularity of Magpul PTS products there is also a growing number of copycats. These ACM (clones) can be found on Airsoft Forums, and off shore airsoft retailers. Some of theme are really off and while some like these are close to the real thing.
Magpul back up sights are made of polymer are are intended to keep a low profile until their are needed usually if other optics fail (run out of batteries, lens get shot out, etc). Each sight (front or rear) can be actuated by pressing down on one of three push points either on the top, left, or right side.

These replicas are no different and asside from fit the finish and functionality are exactly the same. The replica sights feature height adjustments and the rear also has windage knobs. Aside from the lack of a Magpul trademark these replicas do and look the same as their Magpul PTS counterparts.
Price: $20-30
Fit: Good
Finish: Excellant
Functionality: Excellant
Overall: Worth a Shot
Day and Night optics? WTF Does he mean large /small apeture for 0-200M for the large and longer shots with the smaller apeture.
What I think he means is the large and smaller aperture (peep hole). In general the thicker the sight the more accurate and the thinner the sight the faster hte sight.
uhmmm im only 15 but i saw these how to i buy?? i heard they are very good for the price??? just leme kno how to buy thx!!
Day and night optic? What the FUCK is he talking about? Fucking wannabe! Makes airsofters have a bad image.
Uhh... Anon (October 31) down there, I think it has the white dots or dashes like you see on handgun night sights where it is the 3 white/green dots...
No need to be jumping to conclusions like that bro... no one likes an asshole...
I got a set of these with an ar and their JUNK not worth a cent. They dont hold up under fire and these wount adjust for elevation their CRAP from the get go.
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