Blogger Tricks

February 27, 2010

Junkie Weekend Extra: Operating Rig

Follow me on Twitter for extra video's, news, content and updates: MilSimJunkie

Heres a quick video on my rig setup

Operating Rig:

  • Condor Chest Rig (AEX: Sacramento)
  • Condor Triple Mag Pouch (
  • 2x Fast Mag pouches  (Gen. 2)
  • RH Coyote Glock Serpa w/ Blackhawk S.T.R.I.K.E platform
  • 6x Midcap MAG Magazines w/ Magpul's
  • 2x CA Hicap Magazines
Rig Notes:
I primarily have set up my rig to my liking. The ease of access to my mag pouches allows me to reload much efficiently than my previous set ups. By having the SERPA holster center mass allows for easy access on my draw. Having it in close proximity of my fire control hand allows me to "punch-out" quickly upon putting aside my primary.

I say dont be afraid to experiment with your rigs. Just dont go copy what other people are doing, do what fits your shooting style

February 26, 2010

Initial Review: KJW M4 GBB Designed By Tanio Koba

Picture from:
Sales Link: KJW M4 GBB

The Tanio Kobayashi designed GBB M4 has been around for some time and in only limited runs. The design was picked up and is now being produced by KJWorks. Tanio Koba has been designing his own masterpieces since 1992 and is considered the grandfather to the Tokyo Marui GBB pistol design. As seen in this video uploaded some years ago the design featured no external gas reservoir as seen in many classic airsoft platforms and operates fairly much like a RS weapon.

A friend ordered this weapon from for $369.99. The packaged arrived early and I grabbed my camera and decided to film the unveil. Before we even shot the rifle he decided to put on his external furniture that he had from his previous GBB build. We found out many things this night about the weapon that I thought I would let my readers know. Note that the KJW M4 GBB has currently 300+ rifles out being used we were surprised to be in possession of a  serial'ed body.

February 22, 2010

CQB City Airsoft February 20, 2010

 Night operations are a bit tougher to film for two reasons (1) the facility is dark and (2) people shoot anything with a light on it. Even with the "nightshot" the built-in IR light on the camera is not strong enough to light up no more than 5ft-7ft in front. Apart from the constant oncoming sight of BB's it was  another great turnout @ CQB City. I will admit there were some real safety and carelessness issues that day but nothing that couldn't be resolved.

February 21, 2010

Project Haley Introduction: WE M4 GBB (WE-Tech M4 V2)

I finally got into the world of Gas Guns. Not that long ago did I post a blog entry about WE GBB M4. This is a new project I am undertaking and a new avenue in the sport of airsoft for me. I plan to keep this blog entry continually updated as it is a work in progresses. Consider this a learning project for me as I get this rifle in the state I want. 

WE M4 GBB (A.W.S.S) Version 2

YouTube Videos here
Quick Review here
Picture From

February 08, 2010

MilSimJunkie Gear Giveaway #1

[*The Chance to Enter has now Closed. Winner will be announced soon.*]

Last month I did a whole lot of gear hoarding. The other day I received a package and before I opened it I decided to giveaway whatever was inside out to you my readers, and viewers. 

The deadline to enter in this giveaway is: March 8, 2010

All you have to do is three things:

  1. Rate The Video
  2. Subscribe to The New Youtube Channel; Milsimjunkie1
  3. Comment 
On the deadline I will at random look at all the comments and pick the winner. I will announce the winner in a follow-up video. Unfortunately, I can only cater to those who are in the continental United States but that doesn't mean I wont ship to you if you so happen to win and are not from the US (case by case).

Tell your friends to watch the video, comment on the video, rate the video, and to subscribe to the video. This is only the start of the giveaway. I intend as the channel grows to hold more giveaway with even bigger prizes.

The products in the video are replicas and are the same products on my own AEG which you might have seen in my videos. I by no means pass them on as genuine.

February 07, 2010

CQB City Airsoft February 6, 2010

Drawing one of the largest crowds of participants CQB City hit the 100+ mark. If you were not there Saturday February 6, 2010 you missed out on some solid gameplay.

If you are a regular to the field you will find that the Camo team are usually the one's who complete objectives and work well as a team. However, the Insurgent forces had Camo so backed up to their own spawn it was hard for them to push up. Before lunch Insurgents had won 2-0.

February 03, 2010

Roll it out and Cut the Pie: Locate and Engage from behind cover

In my three years of airsoft I have learned many techniques and applications of engaging a target from behind cover. Most of it was through trial and error and from friends ot people Ive had the pleasure to play alongside of.

Consider this a small breakdown of my experience and by no means a complete guide.

February 02, 2010

Mini Review: Replica Magpul Back Up Sight (MBUS)

With the growing popularity of Magpul PTS products there is also a growing number of copycats. These ACM (clones) can be found on Airsoft Forums, and off shore airsoft retailers. Some of theme are really off and while some like these are close to the real thing.

Mag Well Grip

Whether you using a vertical grip, the hand guard, or even the new angled-fore-grip sometime or another M4 users have used the mag well for a place of support. Recently, I have seen a resurgence of interest in the mag well grips. For the close quarter environment the mag well is often a place for the support hand to allow for quick tight movement. Ive often used the mag well to to tighten my stance when peaking around corners or laying down support.