CQB City is adding a new dynamic to the field. The city has outgrown its warehouse and is looking UP to expand. With additional plans to do the same to more buildings the view from above adds a whole new element to the city. Future planning of the city will be even closer requiring operatives to switch to sidearms more often and room clear with teammates.

While I will not divulge fully about the projects CQB City has on the chalk board but it will definitely be an interesting year. Got a sniper rifle, or an DMR in your hands? The second floor perch has a view that will give anyone that side that dominates it an advantage. Taking control of an occupied building with a perch will be tough as not everyone will be able to frag its almost 20ft height. The first floor will consist of two rooms each requiring a frag.
Come to CQB City and check it out for yourself. Its initial trial will be this Sunday January 24, 2010. It will be interesting to see how the second floor perch will add to the makeup to the field.
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