Despite the rain and the cold weather around 50+ players came out to engage in some close quarter action. I saw team patches from all over northern California; Alakdan Airsoft, M4H, and South Bay Airsoft.
Solid fighting all around. Players got creative with their strategy in completing objectives. Trying something new CQB City staff blocked off common entries and forced opposing sides to duke it out around the killhouse which made for some pretty exciting shooting.
A good thing to note is that I have covered the camera with some foam. Over the weekend it took two or three direct hits and the foam deflected the BB's!
Most Notable Weapon of the Day airsoft mortar made by a CQB City staff member. The air cannon is designed to launch tennis balls across the city with a kill radius of 20ft. Any person in the mortars point of impact in the immediate area is call dead. It was used by both the insurgent and camo forces to push back enemy lines.
Remember to Play Hard, Fight Hard
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